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Dianne Kelley Unthank
Born in United States
50 years
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Donna and Diane and I are so close in age it seems funny to call them my aunts., so we got a lot of funny looks anytime we had to say it and had to explain it as if noone knew how you get an aunt. especially when they are just 2 years older than me.  It is funny if you think about it.  What's really funny is that Bob, (my older brother) is 1 1/2 months Older than them!  This is for those of you that did not know this of course.  So now, my son TJ and my daughter are 15 years apart, and he is an uncle at 15 years old., people do the same thing to him, because Sabrina is 10. cool huh?  We just always got a kick out of that and Diane especially would remind everyone that she was the smarter one., and I think she was!

I remember when we were little mamaw would dress us all up like triplets, and it was fun. She took us places all the time. Me, Donna and Diane would sometimes fight though, like friends do when you are little.

One day Diane and I would be buddies,and Donna would be mad or me and Donna would be buddies  and Diane would be mad.  But at the end of the day it would be forgotten. 

Diane was funny, and she was so pretty, that smile was genuine.  But Whatever she was doing, she would stress herself out over it.  I always ran into her down town when I would have to be down there for something. Every time, I would catch her coming or going. At the hospital, around the hospital near the hospital. She always asked about my kids and my family.  because they were her family too. She adored Jenny, and that grandbaby.

I will miss her so much, and it will be so hard to not say her name because it always came after Donna's, and it is always hard to say Diane's name without saying Donna's and you can't say Donna's name without saying Diane.

My last conversation with her was at the hospital when mom had surgery. she was there everyday, coming and going all day,again, because she was working there somewhere!  Though it was in September and here it is June., it was the best talk we had ever had.  we sat in the waiting area talking,We walked around outside, talking.

 We hugged goodbye, and we said our I love yous and she took my hand and put money in it., i told her I didn't need it but she said "No, you take it, it's just money left over from my lunch."  And we said bye again, and i love you again. and she left.

I think she knew how much I loved her, at least i hope she did.

I know she left too soon, but I know she will be happy in God's house, and we all know too well that she will not be alone. 

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