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Dianne Kelley Unthank
Born in United States
50 years
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Words can never describe how emotionally upsetting Tuesday was for all of us.  I kept watching the clock and I was thinking how wonderful it would be if we could turn the clock back one year to early that morning  before God took you.  I know I sure would have been by your side the entire time. 

I miss everyone who has passed on before me but I can't seem to get over you and Tommy.  You're both always in my thoughts and dreams and at various moments throughout each day.  I have to believe that you both are at peace and very happy doing God's work.  But even that doesn't ease the pain or lessen the grief we all feel.

I love you all so very much and am proud of the memories I have.  If you all are happy doing God's work, then I am happy for you.  Sometimes life on earth is unbearable and hard on us, but in my mind I see you both with smiles on your faces enjoying your work and helping others - that's the way it has to be for now.  Continue on - God needed you and he knows best.  You'll always be loved and missed by us all.  At some unknown day and time,  I'll see and be with you both again. 


One year ago today, I went about my normal routine... work, go to lunch...go back to work... then that call came that takes your breath away and puts such fear in your heart...friom Peggy... Dianne has coded, come quick!!!!!!! I knew what that meant...but not Dianne...too young, it can't be... then another call... Peggy, she said "I got here and they took me to a waiting room for a Chaplain to talk to me " and we both knew what that meant!!!You left us much too early!!!!! God must have had a very special job for you!!!!!!!! Love you and miss you!!! We will visit your resting place today, I know you will be with us in spirit!!!!!!!!!!!


Polly Frasier

Jenny, I saw a picture of your mothers rock today, it was beautiful. You did her well. We will get together the 27th. We are going to miss you and your mom and Cayden. I hope the holidays get easier for you. I miss your mother so much. Hope to see you after the baby is born. Take care and I Love you,


One of my favorite memories is when you gave me my beautiful quilt at patsys on christmas We were so proud! and so special to see you had put mama and daddy and Susie's picture on them. That is something  I see evry day in my bedroom. So  we have to add your picture to that quilt not knowing that  the  day  would  come oh way too soon!

Just wanted to share a memory of xmas when they lived on the hill. I remember when the house burned up and Dianne and Donna were in their room trying to salvage things and I remember her looking at her 45 records. of course they were melted. And last year, I remember she was working so hard on that computer with her work. She hardly ate or visited. SHe tried to explain to me what it was but it was way over my head. Imagine that.!! she was smarter than anyone could imagine.  I will sure miss seeing her this year.


Today you are 51 oh how I miss you! .Dianne I just wish you were here so I could just give you a big hug and tell you I love you. You share your birthday with your twin Donna I know she misses you, Dianne send her Angel Kisses to help her.Dianne you are on my mind every day I miss your smile and the joy in your voice when you talk about Cayden. He's such a smart  and sweet boy so as you look down on us smile and say it's OK i'm fine! So little SIS your BIRTHDAY is with GOD! but you will ALWAYS be in all our hearts.We will always have stories about you I look at your quilt you made me every day, I know you put so much LOVE in all the quilts that you made, so as we gather Satuarday,and make a circle, it will be broken, you,Susie.mama,daddy.Tommy, won't be there,but will be remembered.  Bye little Sis and Happy Birthday
Dianne I can't stop hurting or crying. I had a wonderful day'cause Polly,Peggy,Patsy,Libby,Jenny, and Heather. They all made me feel comfort but I wish you could of felt it too. I sit here and think of everything in the past and I know I made alot of mistakes and I stayed away from everyone for years. I always felt that everyone would not miss me because of the mistakes i've made but you always told me no matter what I had done I was still your sister and I was still Donna.No matter where I was or what I was doing you would always come and see me. When I go to the store to buy cigarettes I hear you say you don't need them you just want them. Then you would call me on your way home from work and ask me if I needed cigarettes and you would stop and buy them. I miss them calls. I am  always thinking of you . I love you
Heather Wilson
Dianne,  I know your here with mom today. I don't know what to say. I wish you were here with her, so we could celebrate together. We had such a good time together last year. I can still see your face when you won that 1,100 dollars last year. I still tell people you booted me out of that seat. But who am I kidding, I  am not a lucky person.  I am so Blessed getting the chance to know you better, and I got to see what kind of person you are. I'm so happy that you and mom got to get so close again. I know she loves you and is lost without you. There is nothing I can say or do to comfort mom because. It's just not the same without you she says.  And i know that's true. I woke up at 6:30 this morning and found her crying while she was getting ready for work. and it's so hard seeing her like that because i don't know how to make her feel better. She said she's not a whole person anymore. But i told her your in her heart. But like I said,  words will never explain or comfort her on you being gone.  But I know she will be whole again, the day she goes to heaven, you will be at the gate with your arms wide open. I love you Dianne, and like i said,I wish we could have spent this birthday with you too. But i know your with us in spirit and in our hearts today, just like your always gonna be in all of our hearts. I love you Dianne. Happy Birthday
Donna Hendrick
Dianne it is our Birthday and I feel so alone. I wish you were here. I can't stop thinking of you or I can't stop crying and we should be celebrating our Birthday together. When I tell anyone it's my Birthday I will always say it is our Birthday. Oh Dianne I Love You so much and I miss you so much. It's not the same without you. I am not suppose to get older without you. But I do sit and think of good times we got to share and our 50th Birthday and it does make me smile but I will be sad without you. I love you,Happy Birthday even though it should'nt have Happy in it.

Since it's your birthday I thought I would start out by telling a good Blonde Joke because like you, I can't tell one very well and I have lots of memories of you "Trying" to tell one......this one reminds me of you!  Just wanted to have fun with you today, hope noone minds.

Here goes........

                  Stairway To Heaven

There is a blonde, a redhead and a brunette on the stairway to heaven.
God says, "There are 3,000 steps and i'll tell you a joke on each 1,000th step you reach. If you laugh you go to hell."

So they start walking and reach to the first 1,000th step. God tells a joke, the brunette laughs and goes to hell.

Then on the 2,000th step God tells a joke, the redhead laughs and goes to hell.

On the 3,000th step God tells a joke, the blonde doesn't laugh and proceeds to the gate......Suddenly, she bursts out laughing. God asks, "what are you laughing about?", so she replies, "i just got the first joke!".           
I thought you might like that.  I can just see you doing that.  I know God was going to let you in anyway and he knew you would do that and he was just waiting for you to get the joke. I am sure he laughed with you as you entered the gates and put his arm around you and led you through as the others waited.....laughing with you too....That's Dianne.

Love you


Dianne I miss you so much. I sit and think of everything we talked about and the tears we shared at times we were down.I miss the times you come in my room and sit on my bed and share ideas you have and asking my opinion.And if you did'nt like my opinion you would just say I don't know we'll see. I miss your laugh when I would come out of my room and you would be talking to someone on the phone. I miss all the phone calls I would get from you every day. I miss you just stopping in at work and saying I just feel like having a Big Boy,and  saying I will see you later. I can still see you the day you left and you came out on the patio and said I'll see you later I'm going to work and don't over do it out here in the sun. I miss us getting in your car and singing to songs on the radio or CD. I wish now you had'nt made me promise not to say anything to anyone about your financial problems,why did'nt I break that promise and ask everyone for help for,because I valueed your word. I wonder if I broke my promise if you would still be here foday. Well it's almost our Birthday and it is going to hurt so bad, just the fact that I can't call you and say Happy Birthday. Dianne I Love You so very much I hope you knew that. I will see you someday again.
Heather Wilson
Dianne,  it's been three and a half months since you've been gone. So much has changed. I think of you everyday. I'll do something, or plan to do something,and i'll wonder what you would think of it.  I could always count on your advise. I felt you believed in me, when i don't even believe in myself. With you gone, it's  like i don't know which way to go. Without you here stearing me in the right direction, what am i gonna do? Every since susie has been gone, i haven't been the same. I loved here so much. And then I got to get to know you better than i did growing up. And i can say this for everyone. it was way to soon to lose you. I LOVE YOU. I am very thankful i got to live with you,and learn from you. I might not have showed it, but you inspired me. And because of you im going to do the things you wanted me to do. I have already got back into my ged, and thats only because i promised you i would. So when i finally get it. I'm dedicating it to you,because i wouln't have gone through with. I have already started to drive again. Aunt Peggy let me drive her new truck. It was the scariest thing iv'e done since i wrecked moms truck. And i have been driving my friends blazer. Im trying to get confident enough to start driving all the time. I'll get there, it'll just take practice. oh, we just miss you so much, i wish you were here to see me doing it. but i know you see all now. And i know you now have all the answers to the questions people here on earth strive to find the answer too. I know your in god's hands now, and your needed by him, but i still dont want to let you go..... I am so happy Jenny gave you a unforgetable funeral. I know it was everything you wanted. but i still will never know actually how many peoples lives and heart's you touched while you were here on earth. I think mom is doing better, but i think she's suffering on the inside. I thank god you and mom got to get as close as you did, becauce i dont know how she would be if you didnt get to regain the relationship that had once been troubled. but i know your watching over Jenny,cayden, and mom... im excited that Jenny is pregnant. You would be so proud. well i know you are. i hope like you, she has a set of twins. 2 little girls. just like you and mom. so for now. I LOVE YOU. and i wont let you down, i promise.
Heather Wilson

Dear mom,

I don't even know were to start with you. You are the only mother I will ever have. I know that I didn't say it enough but I love you so much. You were the best mom I could ever ask for. You were always there when I needed you even if I pushed you away. I am heart broken every min of every day. I hate that I can not pick up my phone and call you. I never thought that I would say this but my god I miss the phone calls everyday about 5 times a day. I would get so mad at you for calling that much. But now I miss it. Its is really hard to go though life without you. I wanted you to know that I am so very PROUD of you and what you have done in your life. I hope that I can only come close to what you have done. You always opened up your heart to everyone that came your way. Even it you had nothing you always found a way to give something.

Cayden... that little boy loves you so much. I am so happy that he got to know you over the last year and he will never forget you. I will make sure for that. He sometimes askes for you. If I ask him were you are he says "up in the ski looking over me". That little boy knows you are looking over him. He has a picture of you two by his bed. It is so funny. Every time Reba comes on TV he tells me that mamaw show is on. I just laugh and we watch it. And now with another one on the way. I know for sure you had something to do with that.

Here comes the hard part. I hate that we did not get to say our good-byes. That day was the hardest day of my hole life. I hated being so far away from you. I know that you called me the day before to tell Bryan happy fathers day. I missed that phone call and never knew that it was going to be the last. I still have your message on my phone and listen to it every time I can. I wish that I could have told you I love you one more time. I know that you are missed by so many. So many people loved you. I think that one of the hardest things I have had to do with out you is not having you there with me on my birthday. I know in a way you were standing next to me all day. But it will never be the same. I can only hope that you are at peace now and in no more pain. I know that you will always be looking over me. I will see you again one day. I know that you will be the first one there next to me. Mom, I love you so much. You will never be forgotten.

Peggy Louise Kelley Mitchell

June 16th was the hardest and saddest day of my life.  I got the call about you and was there within two minutes!  I knew what "coded" meant, but I sure thought I was going to walk in that hospital and go to where you were and see you -- but that's not what happened -- I was taken into the "family suite" and told to wait for the Chaplain.  I kept saying over and over "No way - she can't be gone" - I felt alone, couldn't reach anybody for awhile.  My heart broke for real.  You were always there for everyone who went through that emergency room - I  just thought you'd be okay, but you weren't.  Like all the rest who have spoken before me, I miss you so much and find it hard to believe that I'll never see you again.  You would not believe how many people - from chairman to doctors to faculty members to staff who ask about you and stop me to tell me how sorry they are.  You were loved by so many - and by me too.   Rest in peace, for I too will see you soon. 


Dianne,I don"t know what I am going to do without you. I am lost without you. My heart is hurting and I can"t get it to stop. You were the smile I would see when I wake up, you were the last one I would see before I go to bed. You were the one I could turn to, I am so alone without you. I know you are in heaven and with mama,daddy,susie and tommy but I need you too. I am very thankful that I got the opportunity to share my life with you the last year and the thoughts we shared. I miss you oh so much and I cry for you every day and I miss you calling me every day like clockwork,and if you did'nt I would call you to see if you were o.k. You would laugh your special laugh and say oh,don't be silly I was in a meeting. Oh Dianne what am I going to do without you,who do I turn to now. You are one of a kind. I open your door in your room hoping to see you on your computer or you shushing me out of your room while you were doning homework. When you said Bye to Monday before you went to work I knew that I would get everyday phone call at around 3:00  Dianne I know I felt you when God took you,I wish I could of said No! Not yet, She's not done here on earth, we still need her, I still need her. I Love you so much and I will carry you in my heart and thoughts and memories. I will see you soon. 



william gilbert young 1
the last time i saw dianne it was fathers day 2008 the last thing i heard her say was donna.and bye william and destiny see you all next week but i never will till the day i die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love her like a sister but she is my great-aunt. but she will be missed forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to my youngest sister,my friend.  U always liked to remind anyone we met she,s the OLDEST  I know u had a  But wow how pretty u were always beutiful eyes and what a personality! A good laugh when others knew I had a son Bob older than u.  I was already gone from home when u were born but my Daddy was so proud of u both.You were such a beautiful sister and we had so much fun at our dinners and we'd start that singing u were right in there with us! I admired u for always seeking more education and wanting to proceed in your career as much as u could! Dianne I will never forget u  we would go visit Susie and u NEVER failed to come every morning and bring her sausage biscuit at Kindred on your way to work.  You were like an angel here on earth! Now you are in HEAVEN with Susie. I hope u r having sausage biscuit sandwiches together .Some day I will see u again until then dear sister my heart is just broken and miss u terribly! I love u and miss u  Libby (the oldest) 
Patsy, sister, friend

Where does one start? She was a part of our lives. She was Dianne. Thoughtful,brave, caring, giving. I know my heart is broken, yet again.

 She went full speed ahead at everything she did. She and Donna were my little sisters! They still are! As twins they had a bond even stronger than just sisters. She was such in awe of how beautiful her daughter Jenny is! How she had a part in that creation!!! Then, wow, Cayden came!!! They were her life!! She wanted to give them so much, not realizing she gave them the most precious gift of all, Herself.I  think she always underestimated herself, and that is so sad, she was a precious, precious person. I want to close this with one thought for all. Start each day as if it is the last day you will see a friend, a loved one. Call them, don't have regrets when it is too late. I think my life is full of regrets because of time wasted. Don't get wrapped up in everyday life{ as I have} and not take that time.

As we all learn this painful lesson, we don't know when we will run out of time! 

I will grieve for her the rest of my life! But I WILL  see her in heaven!! She is with Mama, Daddy, Tommy, Susie and all the rest! What a wonderful reunion!!

And I long for the day I will see them too!!!!!!!!!!!!

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