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Dianne Kelley Unthank
Born in United States
50 years
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The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God


Psalm 91:3-5

3 For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
4 He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor the arrow that flies in the day.





Patsy October 10, 2008

As I read all of the words today on this site, I think of how blessed we all are to have such an amazing family! We are all grieving together! It is just so sad that it takes death to bring us together. Is this all part of the Big Plan? Does God use the pain and anguish to bring us together?

To make us better? I have gotten to know your daughter, Jenny, so much more than before. And, yes, Dianne she is very, very precious! I see you in her, as it should be! And Heather, such a good daughter to Donna! And then we have Terri, she has really shone in all she has done! From this website to the words she writes! Such insight! Terri, I truly believe you are one of the " Angels among us".And each one of my sisters have been there for me in their own special way. And that is not to leave out my brothers! They are there also. I am truly proud to be related to each and everyone of you! I know Momma and Daddy are so very proud! What a legacy. You all have been there for me the last two years and I hope I give back what has been given to me! So, Dianne, on this special day, again, look at what you have done for us.

I love you so very much! Tell Tommy how much I miss him! Everyday!

And Susie and Momma and Daddy and all the rest! See you soon!!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Libby October 9, 2008
Dianne when you and Donna were born I was in Oklahoma when I got the call from Daddy he said your mom just had twins! of course  I did not believe him but after mama confirmed it I knew he was right You were the tiniest and I did not get to see you  for six months because Bobby was so ill and in the hosptal in Texas. Daddy cut a hole in the wall and placed it with a window of glass so you and Donna would not get germs because he would not let any visitors into see you afraid you would get sick. You and Donna being born after Bobby made you closer to Bobby and Terri to playmates every time I would return homeNot only am I greiving your death-Terri is greiving with so many emotions as we have discussedAs I watched you grow into such a beautiful young woman you never looked back you went for education I remember going to Cumberland College where you had  won beauty pageant Mama Susie,amd I were there watching you in the parade Our mother was just beaming I know you are in Heaven talking about this now. As Donna is greiving today October 9 2008 so is all the Kelly Klan and friends I think of you evey day
From Dianne October 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Dear Sister

Dearest Donna,
When you wonder the meaning of life and love
Know that I am with you
Close your eyes and feel me kissing you
In the gentle breeze across your cheek
When you begin to doubt that you shall ever see me again
Quiet your mind and hear me
I am in the whisper of the heavens
Speaking of your love
When you lose your identity
When you question who you are and where you are going
Open your heart and see me
I am the twinkle in the stars smiling down upon you
Lighting the path for your journey
When you awaken each morning
Not remembering your dreams
But feeling content and serene
Know that I was with you
Filling your nights with thoughts of me
When you linger in the remnant pain
Wholeness seeming so unfamiliar
Think of me
Know that I am with you
Touching you through shared tears of a gentle friend
Easing the pain
As the sunrise illuminates the desert sky
In that breathtaking brilliance,
Awaken your spirit
Think of our time together,
All too brief, but ever brilliant
When you were certain of us together
When you were certain of your destiny
Know that God created that moment in time
Just for us
I am with you always.

Terri August 9, 2008
Be strong

I need to celebrate thier lives instead of mourn thier deaths and pray for the ones that were nearer and dearer.

I can still see us sitting outside at the hospital and inside and talking about "things" like we had talked every day...but didn't.  Was that suppose to happen like that? we never did that much, and that time was special.  It was so nice talking to you. 
I remember my last talk wtih Tommy outside on thier patio., he was talking about going into Iraq...we had a nice talk and I remember thinking ...he is a good kid..just lost., and hoping he would find his way. I'm glad I got to have that talk with you. I am sorry for the way you had to go., but you will NOT be forgotten. We had to sing 7 songs before the room was almost empty..didn't you know you meant something to us? I am sorry if we let you down.

I remember the last time I saw aunt Susie..but it was'nt pleasent., why not?  But I see her laughing, I see Dianne laughing and them all gathering and talking and laughing and watching over us all. I bet they are talking turns. and not arguing about who's turn it is.  I bet they do it together sometimes to those of us that need them the most at the time.  I will remember our times together always. 

I still see mamaw sitting at Polly's kitchen table when we were there and the last thing she said to me was "you come down and see me" . I never did. 
The last time I saw mamaw Kerr was in the hospital, fighting to hang on as if it were her last breaths....and it was. I looked at her in the eye and told her I loved her so much and that I think of her every day and the look she gave back to me will forever haunt me., as if she just, at that moment realized she was dieing., but didnt want to.  She said "now dont you cry". and patted my arm.  I will cherish that day, even though she died that night.  I got to tell her I loved her. That is rare, and I am so glad she got to hear me tell her. I went back into the room again because I didnt want to let her go, I had to beg the nurse to let me in. I was by myself. That is a time God gave me with her, because I needed it and so did she.  I miss her so much.

I miss them all. 

I don't think I could ever sing another funeral for my relatives, but I want to...it's just so hard to hold all that in.  I feel like I haven't got to mourn for them.  maybe that is why I am now, when Dianne left us, that was it for me.  I will keep God at my side to help me keep my feet on the ground, and he will take away all this guilt, hurt, sorrow, anger, confusion and grief.  He has kept me strong through it all.  I am blessed.

I love each and every one of my relatives and I think of them a lot.  I wish I could turn back time but only God knows this was fate. I wish he would have told me before it happend. I would have told them all how much I loved them.  But we all know that is not how it happens.  Just my thoughts for today.

I love you all.




Polly Kelley Frasier, Sister July 30, 2008
Walking With You Near

To my baby sister Dianne, today is July 31. We just got back from Texas to see our Aunt. I thought of you often, and wish you could have been with us. But, guess what! I had a pair of your tennis shoes on, so you were with us! You had walked many miles in them, but I added miles from Leitchfield to Texas! I really liked that you and I were the same size, so Dianne, you will always be in my heart and on my feet! I just wish I could be as nice and big-hearted as you! Dianne, come December, you would have graduated from college. I know how much that meant to you. But I know now your have gotten angel wings!!!You are at peace!! I know Jenny will always let Cayden know you. So all of his Aunts will watch over him for you!!! I wish I could pick up the phone and hear, "Hi, Its Dianne." I so miss your phone calls! I think of you everyday. So, baby sister, you will live on in my heart and on my feet!! I will walk everyday with you. I love you so much! Bye Dianne, and I will write to you later!!!

I love you, Polly

Patsy July 10, 2008

When we are young, we don't want to die, to leave this earth, we have too much to do! Too many people we love that we want to be with.! But, as we age... we begin to see that death is just a mode of transportation to Heaven, to see the ones that have already left us. And, I , myself, as more of my loved ones leave this earth, reallize, I don't fear death as I once did! For I have so many loved ones that have left that I want to see!!! And, as we are taught, Heaven is such a glorious place!!!!!!!!! No pain, no sadness, on illness!!!!!!! That means that Tommy, Dianne, Susie and all the rest don't have the battles they dealt with in their life here on earth!!!! That is the only thing that gives me any sense of peace. That is what I fervently hold on to!!!! That I will indeed see them one day!!!











libby July 6, 2008
the Station

by Robert J Hastings


Tucked away in our subconsciousis is  an idyllic vision.We see ouselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train.OuT the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.                                                                               But   uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day ,at a certain hour,we will pull into THE STATION  Bands will be playing and flags will be waving. Once we get there so many wonderful dreams will come true. and the peices of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzel.  How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering_------ waiting,waiting,waitingfor THE STATION       When we reach the station, that will be it !we cry "When i'm 18" when i buy my 450sl Mercedes Benz! " "When i've put the last kid thru college" "when i get a promotion" "When i reach the age of retirement",I shall live happily ever after.  Sooner or later we must realize -we must realize there is no station , no place to arrive at once and for all. THE STATION is only a dream. It constantly out distances us!        RELISH the moment! is a good motto especially with psalm118:24: "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."   It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tommorrow. Regret and fear are twin theives who rob us of today!     So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead ,climb more mountains, eat more ice cream,go bare foot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets,, laugh more, cry less, .Life must be lived as we go along. The station will come soon enough

Aunt Betty July 5, 2008
Jeff memories
I have special memories when u would visit us and you and your couasin Jeff would run around together and play tennis and I would say'Are you sure your not taking him to BARS and u would say NO HE"S TAKING ME TO BARS.(private joke) Your Uncle Bernie Jeff and I will always love u and miss you.
Terri July 4, 2008
I found a feather and thought of you. Thanks
Thought for today July 4, 2008
A Better Place
A Better Place

She’s in a better place right now
Than she’s ever been before;
All pain is gone; she’s now at rest;
Nothing troubles her anymore.

It’s we who feel the burden of
Our sadness and our grief;.
We have to cry, to mourn our loss,
Before we get relief.

We know we’ll reconnect with her
At the end of each life’s road;
We’ll see her cherished face again
When we release our earthly load.

By Joanna Fuchs

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