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Dianne Kelley Unthank
Born in United States
50 years
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For Cayden

He's a Big Brother Now!








Cayden and Cole



           Mamaw sent you a present from heaven


















William May 23, 2012
Hi Cayden
Hi Cayden. We all are So proud that you loved your mamaw the way you did.We are all so proud that you are being a good big brother. 
How are Your Parents and Your Brother Cole? I Hope all is well. I am 13 now. You are almost there. I remember seeing you, about half my height maybe less. Now you are growing to a big boy. We all love you, your parents, and your brother. We hope you are doing good at home, school, and in public being the big boy you are.
I hope you grow up to be a great young man. We all miss you.
William Young.
Tongue Out 
william young June 21, 2011
holes in the floor of heaven!

please enjoy because mamaw can see you

william April 7, 2011
hi cayden

 Hi Cayden...

Your Mamaw loves you so much. I talk to her every night and and I wanted to leave you with this Quotation I accually wrote:

There is a today,but there might not be a tomorrow...so live each day like you were dying and don't hate life because life is a beautiful thing so dont give it up,don't throw it away because things dont go your way...just live like there is no tomorrow and take time to appreciate things that did go your way that was easy and guilt free.

Bye cayden we all love you and hug your brother for us.
Terri December 18, 2009

Hi Cayden..it's almost Christmas now and I hope you get what you want from santa. Im sure mamaw is watching over you and smiling because you are a wonderful big brother. Give him a kiss for me. Hope to see you soon, and dont forget to say your prayers.

we love you


Terri March 17, 2009

Oh Cayden,... you are getting so big! Your brother will have so much fun with you!  You can talk to him about your mamaw and tell him how pretty she was and how much she loves you both, and sing him songs, he will like that.


You are a BIG BROTER!!!!!  WOW!

Love you!



Terri March 15, 2009

hi Cayden. I hear you have a new brother! i can't wait to see him. I bet you will be a great big brother. give him a kiss for me. take good care of him and mommy.  Your mamaw is so proud of you to help mommy too. she will always be by your side.


we love you!


Terri December 19, 2008

 Dear Cayden,

I hope Santa brings you lots of fun stuff. You know your mamaw knows Santa real well, so she will make sure your presents are special., just like you.  Remember she is there in your heart and you can talk to her anytime you want to. She will hear you.

Merry Christmas!

Terri, Jerry, TJ, Sabrina and Philisia

Aunt Donna October 10, 2008
Hi Cayden it's your Aunt Donna your mamaw loved you so much. She always talked to me about you and your mommy and she was so proud of both of you. There was not a place that she did'nt go to that she did'nt talk about you and your mommy. Her face would always be glowing when it came to you and your mommy. She told me once that she felt like the only thing that she did great was when she had your mommy and then your mommy gave her you. She loves you and your mommy so much and she is watching over both of you 24 hours a day. She was a wonderful woman and will be missed I love you and your mommy and always say a prayer for your mamaw every day.
Terri October 9, 2008

Hi Cayden

I bet your mamaw is having a wonderful birthday in heaven. She is probably talking about you and mommy. You say a prayer for her every night and I know she is always there with you both.

Love Terri

Terri September 30, 2008
Miss you

Hi Cayden!

We all miss you and mommy and daddy. We hope you are doing ok. I can still see you walking beside me and Sabrina like a little gentleman, opening the door for her. You were so sweet. and you are a little gentleman.  Give mommy big hugs and messy kisses. 

Hope to see you soon.  Light a candle for mamaw on her birthday.   She will see it.

Love you all


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